“It came to me in a dream” – 5 vintage wallpaper styles from the world

“It came to me in a dream” – 5 vintage wallpaper styles from the world of Madam C.J. Walker

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“It came to me in a dream” – 5 vintage wallpaper styles from the world of Madam C.J. Walker

Who doesn’t love a good rag to riches story? Especially one as engrossing and visually appealing as Madam C.J. Walker’s! Self Made, Netflix’s 4-part tribute to America’s first self-made female millionaire, has been making heads turn – not just with its brilliant cast and screenplay, but also with its beautifully crafted setting that takes us right back to the early 1900s. And guess what, that gorgeous vintage decor doesn’t just look great on your screen. With some classic peel and stick wallpaper, you can replicate it in your home in an instant!

So let’s use Netflix for more than just chilling. Glam up your home the old school way with these wallpaper styles that are straight out of Madam C.J. Walker’s playbook:


pink and beige floral fabric removable wallpaper


Buy Pink and Beige Floral Fabric Removable Wallpaper

A floral foundation

When you think of wallpaper from a hundred years ago, floral patterns are the first to come to mind. There is something innately chic about a classic floral print. You’ll find a wide variety of vintage florals decking the walls (and kitchen cabinetry) in Self Made. From small-scale, two-tone patterns that are seen in Madam C.J. Walker’s home in the first half of the series, to more flamboyant, large-scale designs that decorate her luxurious living spaces further down the line, there’s a lot to draw inspiration from.

When choosing a vintage floral removable wallpaper, use the size and layout of your room as a guide. Compact spaces like kitchens and corridors are better off with subtle, near-monochrome prints that don’t get too overbearing. For prominent areas like living rooms, you can experiment with bolder prints in retro color pairings like pink and blue.


beige and blue damask basic fabric removable wallpaper


Buy Beige and Blue Damask Basic Fabric Removable Wallpaper 

Damask richness

Damask wallpaper is an instant recipe for classic elegance, and the sets of Self Made use it freely. Delicate damask patterns in subtle tones appear frequently in the grandiose spaces where Madam C.J. Walker is seen after she finds success. The designers have also incorporated bright and colorful damask wallpaper in cozier spaces like entryways and corridors.

With its combination of floral flamboyance and structured geometry, damask patterns can gel with a variety of settings. To see the wide range of impacts you can create with a damask peel and stick wallpaper, check out our newly updated range that features both subtle and bold prints. Because our wallpapers are all PVC-free, they ensure a great finish worthy of your classically themed room.


golden look geometric basic fabric removable wallpaper


Buy Golden Look Geometric Basic Fabric Removable Wallpaper

Art Deco glamor

Art Deco shot to fame in the US well after Madam C.J. Walker’s time, but if you look closely you’ll find the beginnings of the trend in some design elements appearing on the Self Made set. Though there aren’t any Art Deco wallpapers per se, the tone is set by seashell-shaped lighting fixtures and grid-patterned trellises. You can create a similar effect with one of our geometric wallpapers that feature curvilinear Art Deco motifs in a gilded shade. These versatile designs work with both retro and modern settings, and as an added perk, they don’t damage walls or paint when removed.


silver and grey retro fabric removable wallpaper


Buy Silver and Grey Retro Fabric Removable Wallpaper 

Classic stripes

If you thought classic wallpapers were all about flowers and damask motifs, Self Made will have you thinking again. The series showcases a lot of classic stripes, generally in browns and other neutral tones. These patterns are perfect for offices and studies where they can work in sync with wooden paneling and doorways.

To make sure the striped wallpaper you pick is vintage and not contemporary, look out for the color palette. Like a lot of retro design elements, classic striped wallpaper will generally use muted shades of blue, green, pink and orange. Off-white or beige backgrounds are common. A big advantage of using striped removable wallpaper in your decor is that you can effortlessly switch to a more modern look without changing your wall treatment. Having said that, our high-quality peel and stick wallpapers are designed for damage-free removal so you’re always free to change your mind!


white and orange brick texture fabric removable wallpaper


Buy White and Orange Brick Texture Fabric Removable Wallpaper

And texture!

We can’t really sum up an article about the wall treatments used in Self Made without mentioning textures like exposed brick and weathered plaster. A significant portion of the series is shot in low-key, rustic settings. Madam C.J. Walker’s factory with its peeling plaster and industrial edge is a classic example.

If you’re feeling adventurous and would like to add depth or just a little quirk to your vintage decor, pair your floral or damask wallpapers with one of our photorealistic visual textures. Our textured wallpapers are designed to perfectly replicate exposed brick, old plaster, shiplap, stone, and a variety of other materials. If you’re looking to quickly set up a faux brick wall or create a distressed whitewash effect, these PVC-free wallpapers are the perfect choice as they ensure a high-quality finish and don’t damage walls or paint when removed.


So there you have it: a 5-step guide to vintage, TV-worthy decor! Shop from our wide range of classic peel and stick wallpaper to get that old-school charisma going. And if you’re going retro for the first time ever, you can always order in a sample to make sure it’s the right choice.

*Photos by Netflix.com