Design Ideas
Kitchen wallpaper ideas – how to make It look amazing
The kitchen is one of the spaces in the house that we are always spending a lot of time on whether it’s just to cook our food, have a quick meal or to receive our friends and family for dinner on a special occasion. So it’s fair enough that we make it look incredible and cozy to receive our loved ones. The best and easiest way of making it look amazing is by using wallpaper.
When we are going to use wallpaper in the kitchen, we need to think that if it’s going to be used near the sink, it’s better to choose one that can resist to humidity, considerating that the water might splash everywhere. If it’s going to be used nearby the stove, it’s good to remember that it’s a place that gets dirty quite quickly because we fry a lot of things, so it can make the wallpaper sticky.
We are talking about a place that we keep and make all the food,to have a safe wallpaper it is important. Our fabric wallpaper is PVC-free, Lead-Free and VOC-free. Printed with non toxic inks offers odorless prints that have no hazard warning labels and are non-flammable and non-combustible. Walls By Me Walltex 17 mil it is It is a category VI Type III wallcovering. The most traditional pattern is the one with fruits, vegetables or fishes on it. Everyone has a family member or a friend, maybe even yourself, who has or have had once in their lives that pattern on their kitchen, let’s all admit it together. You can use that pattern without making your kitchen look tacky or too old-school, like it’s been transported from the 80’s.
It’s just a matter of matching it with the right colors and elements of décor and knowing how to use it on the wall. If it’s a really colorful pattern and full of elements on it, maybe you should try to use it only on a small space on the wall and if it’s quite discreet you might be able to use it on an entire wall behind your table for example and give that space a nice touch and hint of color.

Tiles and wood
Besides that, a pattern that looks like tiles or wood is probably the second most used in the kitchen. They are really popular at the moment to be used on that space between the sink and the cabinets on your wall. It’s an excellent way of adding something interesting to that small area that gets forgotten because it’s hidden among everything else that is going on. That is definitely a place that can get very wet because of the sink so it would be great to choose a wallpaper that won’t get damaged quickly. You certainly can make it work perfectly and add a bit more charm to your kitchen because we all know that every little detail makes a difference in the décor.
Geometric wallpaper

Those are a few of the patterns that are very popular to be used in the kitchen. You can make any other one work really well, you just need to know how to match it with the rest of the space like you would do if you were putting it on any other room in the house. Geometric wallpapers also look great in the kitchen, and you can use them behind the shelves or on the wall where your table is going to be. Geometric pattern makes your space look modern or classic whatever style you want, you just need to choose the one you prefer,prefer just make sure you choose one that blends well with your home décor.

You don’t need to be cautious to use colors if you want to and you can use them on one of the walls and keep the rest in a neutral color. If you’d like to go out there on the décor really, you can match it with another color that goes along with the wallpaper. For example, if you put a blue, gray and pink geometric wallpaper on the wall, you don’t need to use gray paint for the rest of it. You can paint the others with blue or pink. It’s still in the same color scheme as the wallpaper, and it’s going to look more fun than a gray wall would.
You can use any pattern you desire, the only thing you need to worry about is where you are going to put them on and which wallpaper is the best to last longer and not get damaged on the first year because that’s not what we want when you choose wallpaper instead of paint. If you do that and you match the pattern really well with all of the other elements of décor, we are sure that your home is going to look awesome, and all of your friends and family are going to love it. And they’ll want you to be the host on every dinner and special occasion just to be in that fantastic environment you have created.
Keep following us and if you have any questions, comment below or contact us. Happy decorating!